Most issues I have with the Plasma experience

This was my personal list of ‘things that I should look into’ before I decided to make it a blog post because I realized that most of this is just impossible to fix for me as I am now and that, while willing, I can’t afford to spend time fixing the others due to circumstances. If any issues here don’t have an open bug report already, I will be making them in time or you could help by reporting them in my stead....

July 10, 2021 · 6 min · fushinari

Auto-login with Plasma, SDDM and sd-encrypt

SDDM is the default desktop manager for Plasma. However, it has one major issue that has annoyed me for a while now. On my GNOME setup, if I type a password to decrypt my partition earlier on in the boot process through sd-encrypt, the password gets cached in the kernel keyring. This password is then passed onto GDM who then uses it to unlock my GNOME keyring and auto-logins into GNOME....

July 7, 2021 · 2 min · fushinari

About the site

This is the first post here and it’s more of an experiment than anything else. Components: Static site generator: Hugo Hugo Theme: PaperModMod. A private fork of PaperMod with only some very minor changes from the original as of now. Hosted on Netlify

December 14, 2020 · 1 min · fushinari